Thursday, August 23, 2007

Xe-xe-xe! Lot of work, summer is over...kapez'

Exx...Somehow I feel a big culutural shock now. I don't know why....Maybe because I just came from small vocations and have an inbox of 61(!) unread letters,
maybe it's beacuse I didn't see my EB team for 3 weeks (crazy:),
I think Tanya's going to fire me soon:);
maybe it's because I have lots of work to do before my university starts.
So, welcome to Current Reality!
WJU Autumn, OCP-charming Liya Suharyeva. 0 SNs matched, nothing raized. Nice... Still we have time, motivated OCP and a team. Guys, I believe in you;)The project should be the most successful. And it definately will be, I know!
Recruitment Campaign 2007, ''OCPs'' Yulya Savyuk (Savyuchka, aka Ryzhul'ka-3:) & Serhiy Karavanets'. Lots of people a expected to recruit(40-50!). 3 universities. LTSs, assesment centres, interviews(several rounds). Dozen media-apperiences. Uhhhh
Adaptation Camp West, OCP-Where are you?! Cheap and comfortable base to find. Money to raize. In-kind to raize. UHHHH, how thrilling!
CSR Round Table, ''OCP''-Marta Kondryn. ''Oto sama i naprosulas' ''. Goals and vision to set. Hopefully our EB will believe in my crazy idea & help me with its implementation. Moderator to find. Right companies to invite. Free place to find...
Alumny Event, Structure to build. To get acquainted with alunmnies & to invite them. To organize it well......
Hot autumn is expected to come.
Lets' get it started
P.S. don't think it's my personal blog. Or it's a place where I write my professional goals.
P.P.S. Read about Yura's Zholobchuk adventures in Poland. Find his blog in the list on the right.
Invite me for the beer or somewhere, don't allow me to die before the comptuer or while having meetings with our partner or non-partners