Saturday, January 26, 2008

EB strategic meeting

We have backed!!!!!!
Today we had strategic EB meeting with planning, evaluation, planning, drinking…..
I really felt that we created good team to work, to share, to rest and to have funJ))
After 4 hours of work we started to drink.. He he, didn’t expected it before :0
Wait more up-date about our work, life and how fun to be n EB, especially if u are EB FRANIK!!!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

It's wonderful time we are having now!!!!!!

Stop for a moment and calm your thoughts
Let go of your anxieties and look around you
What do you see?
You see a world filled with beauty
You see a life full of possiblities
You see dreams being born
being natural and being fulfilled
YES, there are challenges
YES, there is sorrow
YES, there is violence and hatred
But more than this there is love
there is goodness, there is joy
The future is uncertain
And that means there is no limit as to how
beautiful and joyful you can make it
Yet waht you have is roght now!
And right now is completely as it should be!
It's your time to live:)))
We have really amazing time in our @ xp. Enjoy it. Live it. Challenge it more!
I'm unbelievebly happy now:))) 

Though sometimes i feel like crying and feeling if i was breaking the wall and nothing happens.
But i can't stop discovering and wondering the beauty of my life, people around me, even my university with it's burocrathic stuff, my groupmates. 
A challenge we face each day is not a problem, it's an OPPORTUNITY to learn, to teach others, to achieve, to reflect..
Breath in the beauty around you
You know in your heart that you here for a reason
It's your time to live, to experience, to fulfill

Sunday, September 2, 2007

rendom thoughts

Hello hello
finally I’m at home after all my adventures this summer...
U may ask, how do I feel???
Rested :)But frustrated a little bit.... as for me and my team 3 life changing months are waiting....just one night and first working week is going to start...
I know what to do, I know how to do it, but I don't know with whom??? Not so many members are still with us. And it scares the most.
But those who are in AIESEC right now. - The best individuals I've ever met. So, Just smile Tanya and GO!!!!!!!
Everything is UP to U!!!
Isn't it????

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Xe-xe-xe! Lot of work, summer is over...kapez'

Exx...Somehow I feel a big culutural shock now. I don't know why....Maybe because I just came from small vocations and have an inbox of 61(!) unread letters,
maybe it's beacuse I didn't see my EB team for 3 weeks (crazy:),
I think Tanya's going to fire me soon:);
maybe it's because I have lots of work to do before my university starts.
So, welcome to Current Reality!
WJU Autumn, OCP-charming Liya Suharyeva. 0 SNs matched, nothing raized. Nice... Still we have time, motivated OCP and a team. Guys, I believe in you;)The project should be the most successful. And it definately will be, I know!
Recruitment Campaign 2007, ''OCPs'' Yulya Savyuk (Savyuchka, aka Ryzhul'ka-3:) & Serhiy Karavanets'. Lots of people a expected to recruit(40-50!). 3 universities. LTSs, assesment centres, interviews(several rounds). Dozen media-apperiences. Uhhhh
Adaptation Camp West, OCP-Where are you?! Cheap and comfortable base to find. Money to raize. In-kind to raize. UHHHH, how thrilling!
CSR Round Table, ''OCP''-Marta Kondryn. ''Oto sama i naprosulas' ''. Goals and vision to set. Hopefully our EB will believe in my crazy idea & help me with its implementation. Moderator to find. Right companies to invite. Free place to find...
Alumny Event, Structure to build. To get acquainted with alunmnies & to invite them. To organize it well......
Hot autumn is expected to come.
Lets' get it started
P.S. don't think it's my personal blog. Or it's a place where I write my professional goals.
P.P.S. Read about Yura's Zholobchuk adventures in Poland. Find his blog in the list on the right.
Invite me for the beer or somewhere, don't allow me to die before the comptuer or while having meetings with our partner or non-partners

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


HR agenda attendants

Finally, finally, finally!
We came back from one more conference in Ukraine. By we I mean me, Masha Semenyuk, Olya Sheremeta and 2 more external people. This time we hadn't a big delegation, what embaressed me a bit, though we showed our LC from good side & each of us was active during sessions & parties:)

The day of arrival was a shock for me, because of the living conditions, moreover there wasn't enough place for all delegates to sleep, so every LC was strongly recommended to share their place with another people, so as to make 2, 3, 4 even 5 per 1-2 beds.
Such a misfortune overtook Franik, as we had to live together with LC Uzhhorod. 13 people at 5 beds:) Oh, they are so friendly & funny guys. I had an opportunity to discover their rapid development & growing. And I'm sure they're going to become a full member, because of their passion and devotion to organization. I wish them luck!
Additionaly food wasn't very tasty (at least for me), but we survived. I myself expected the agenda to start! I remember how I was impressed of every speaker last year, and this time...
Well, I can't say that nothing happened. But after first day I couldn't say that I've gained something new. At this day we had common leadership agenda with Frank Pucelik, Eugene Hlibovytskuy and Mykola Latans'kyy. The session of Eugene Hlibovytskuy impressed me the most. He was a journalist at 1+1 TV channel, was among founders of 5th channel. Now he's working at KMBS, travells a lot, has various hobbies. He spoke about ordinar, but truly things, still they all make sense
Here are some tips from him about how to live in concorde with ourselves and this world:
-Be responsible
-Think about what you're doing
-Mind all horizons opened before you
-Be happy:)
I wish you to communicate with him, really smart and honest person.
For next 2 days I chose HR agenda. Hmm... You know, I thought I could apply for VP TM next year. Now I see that it's not my way. I expected of this agenda very much, thought I'd have lots of ideas of how to organize PD process, recruit talents, develop competencies of members. Now i know that I like to see measurable results in my work. Thank's to LDS I realized that.
Third day I attended CSR agenda. Please don't laugh, but I know at least now what do I want to connect my future job with. we had sessions from NGOs and from MTS(UMC) CSR department. Now I know a lot about CSR tendency at Ukrainian companies, how to involve business into CSR.
Thanks to LDS I've found out about that and know how to follow my goals.
When at bthe beginning of the conference I motivated people to go to LDS beacause of it's content and popular speakers. Now I know that this LDS was unusual becuse of it's people, delegates, externals, non-aiesecers. I got to know different people. Some of them I knew before and another I didn't meet. But I opened them in new way. I saw their passionce, friendliness. AIESEC become somehow closer to me.
I don't know how to explain this. I think it's because of people. Thanks to LDS i realized it.
I'm very happy now. I'm full of contradictious emotions now.
I f you want to watch more fotos follow thi link:
Unfortunately we have not many photos with our members at LDS, because somebody stole Masha's photographer.
That's a big pitty.
see you

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

When life gives you thousand reasons to cry, show life, that you have thousand reasons to smile

"Все эти годы мы ждем кого-то, кто нас поймет, подумал я, кого-то, кто примет нас такими, какие мы есть, кого-то, обладающего волшебной силой превращать камень в солнечный свет, кого-то, кто сможет дать нам счастье, а не упреки, кто сможет сразиться в ночи с нашими драконами, кто сможет превратить нас в того, кем мы хотим быть. Только вчера я понял, что этот чудесный Кто-то – это лицо, которое мы видим в зеркале. Это мы и наши самодельные маски.
Через столько лет мы наконец встретились."
Р.Бах "Бегство"
Taken from Julia's Gorb blog:

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Gossip from LCC

hello hello
Marta is a champion in bear competition, for 2 time she won from ex LCP Yulya Khruslova:)
YRA!! YRA!!!!
Yulya u have strong successors:)