Tuesday, June 19, 2007

First faci-trainees meeting in our office

Actually we had to write about this event a week ago, becuse our amazing newcomers have been living in Ivano-Frankivsk so far 9 days. They still keep on calling this place pardise:) You know we don't have much troubles or any other inconveniences with them. Maybe it's becuse of male trainees, who as all male aren't so demanding & stuffy, as girls might be; or becuse of female OC, who know every step of them; or becuse of hype-attentation of all LC girls; or becuse of summer & holidays. I know it for a certainty, they're doing well in here!
Thanks to OC team, they have good Reception plan, every minute of their stay in Franik is desribed in detail. We're going to have Global village in the centre of the the town, so every passerby'll tey something delicious from Togo, turkey & India. Promise a post after this unprecedented event:)

Gabin from Togo
The funniest & the most cheerful trainne, I've evr met in my @XP!
He's 29 (!) years old, previous MCVP ICX in Togo, knows special efficient ways of raising TN's
is in love with Ukrainian girls dreams to marry one of us (I mean girls:),
but has a problem, he can't choose from the variety

Answering the question "Wasn't you afraid of coming to Ukraine", he answered in a simple, but golden phrase: "Why should I? I trust AIESEC. I rely upon AIESECers. I know that they won't leave me in dengareous situation".

Seyfo from Turkey
19 (!) years old
10 months (!) experienced AIESECer
This is first trip abroad
A very shy, modest, responsible person
We're afraid Gabin will spoil him:))
The only trainee, we've ever seen, who almost cry, seeing us home:) Xi

Wait for another posts about their adventures)


Anonymous said...

такі кльові :))))

Anonymous said...

Good words.